
Welcome to French Level One! I am tres excited for the upcoming year. During French One you will be amazed at the level of vocabulary and grammar you will acquire! By June, you'll be ready to hop a plane to Paris!

A little bit of background about me - Mademoiselle Kephart. I am a graduate of North Hills High School and completed five years of French while a student here. I then attended Penn State, University Park, where I majored in French and Secondary Education. Later, I attained a Master's Degree in the World Language Instruction and Learning from the University of Pittsburgh. Throughout my educational experiences I was able to study in France twice!

I began my teaching career at Northgate High School, where I taught French levels one, two, three and four. Afterwards, I worked for the Pittsburgh Publc Schools, teaching French levels I-IV and Graduation Project, at Westinghouse High School and Perry Traditional Academy. Last year I began teaching French One and World Language at North Hills Junior High.

At these many schools I have coached, been involved in or the sponsor for the Ski Club, Boys' and Girls' Varisty Swimming, Rock Climbing Club, French Club, and Student Council.

This blog is going to be an exceptional way for you to supplement your learning experiences and inform you of upcoming assignments, assessments, or activities. Be sure to check it out as often as possible.

folder, notebook
covered book
signed contract and National Board release forms


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